And when you are done looking at this site for the Scots input on football world-wide, here are two more. 

For those who literally want to trace on the ground the local development of Scots and Scottish football in our own and other countries there is the newly available and ever-expanding site of:

The Scots Football Historians' Group

And on Scottish sports history in general but inevitably including fitba', see Andy Mitchell's inestimable:

Scottish Sport History   

The Genesis of the American Cup

For the genesis in 1885 of the American Cup, the United States first football competition, and for its first three years just teams from two states were involved. In 1885 itself there were six, a single one from New York and five from New Jersey. In 1886 it was now two and six once more. And in 1887 it was still six from the latter but now three in the latter. The New Jersey contagion was clearly spreading.

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