And when you are done looking at this site for the Scots input on football world-wide, here are two more.
For those who literally want to trace on the ground the local development of Scots and Scottish football in our own and other countries there is the newly available and ever-expanding site of:
The Scots Football Historians' Group
And on Scottish sports history in general but inevitably including fitba', see Andy Mitchell's inestimable:
This blog does not claim that Scots invented football per se or even the Association game. The former has been played from ancient times in different forms across the World. The latter arrived with the the foundation of the Football Association, the English Football Association, in a London tavern in 1863. But what it does contend is that without Scots and Scots Diasporans World football, the modern game, would certainly not be as it is, indeed it might not exist, nor would it be where it is. And as initial background I offer one simple ratio. In 1870, seven years after the game's invention and two before it really arrived in Scotland the total population of England, Scotland and Wales was 26.07 million and that of Scotland 3.36 million, or roughly 7:1. So with currently 195 countries globally there should have been twenty-five founders, it is double that, in the perfect eleven only 1 to 2 Scots, it was often half to all, amongst the officials on the field-of-play a third and
on the typical club or football association committee of a Chairmen/President, Vice-President/Honorary President, Secretary and Treasurer half a Scot. In both cases and again seemingly disproportionately it was at least one.
And with that understanding you are invited to.....................................CLICK HERE AND READ ON.
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If you individually or as an organisation of any type whatsoever wish to use any of the content of this site for any purpose, be sure to contact me PRIOR to doing so to discuss terms, which will be in the form of an agreed donation or donations to our Honesty Box above, The Scots Football Historians' Group or one or more of its appeals.