And when you are done looking at this site for the Scots input on football world-wide, here are two more. 

For those who literally want to trace on the ground the local development of Scots and Scottish football in our own and other countries there is the newly available and ever-expanding site of:

The Scots Football Historians' Group

And on Scottish sports history in general but inevitably including fitba', see Andy Mitchell's inestimable:

Scottish Sport History   

Chile is a country forged by an Irishman on land, Bernardo O'Higgins, and at sea by a less well-known but equally important Scotsman, Thomas Cochrane. The two famously fell out; over money, what else. Cochrane almost immediately went on to do for Brazil what he had already done for the Chileans, that is guarantee its coastal waters. 

Yet, in spite of the fall-out between the two Celts, in Chile Scottish names are legion amongst the country's past great and good. Scots too were a driving force in the development of the port city of Valparaiso, the then de facto capital.  And with them came football, which they carried with them as they and their influence extended the eighty miles inland to today's capital, Santiago, influence, which quietly has continued almost to the present day. 
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