And when you are done looking at this site for the Scots input on football world-wide, here are two more.
For those who literally want to trace on the ground the local development of Scots and Scottish football in our own and other countries there is the newly available and ever-expanding site of:
The Scots Football Historians' Group
And on Scottish sports history in general but inevitably including fitba', see Andy Mitchell's inestimable:
So, it seems that in addition to a Berwickshire man, who aged just 50 would die in 1912 still in Chile in Providencia, now a suburb of Santiago, but be buried in Valparaiso in a family grave crowned by a Celtic Cross and one originally from Moray, who would live in La Lota and die in Concepcion in 1950 at the age of 81 to be buried in that city's Cementerio General and also leaving Chilean descendants, Valparaiso football and ultimately the whole Chilean games owe a third debt of gratitude to an Ayrshire man born and bred, who would apparently end his working days in Argentina, where there are said still Reids, but return to Scotland to live out a decade of retirement. Where is his, indeed their recognition?
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